“Does pregnant women drink organic germanium affect me?”
“Of course, it’s okay. It’s okay for children aged 0 and 1 to drink, so there’s no problem at all.”
This word is not a lie. It’s not a lie, but it’s not scientifically correct.
Patients are asking, “Can pregnant women drink?” This means, “Is there any harm to the fetus?”
On the other hand, the answer that “0-year-olds and 1-year-olds can safely drink” does not actually answer the question.
The patient was a calm person and did not pursue it anymore, but I am rather unconvinced.
She looked for literature immediately after the consultation, as she received her homework.
Then, there was a case report (1977.10.15) by Dr. Mieko Okazawa. In eight pregnant women who were taking organic germanium during pregnancy, they all produced “perfectly healthy babies” (PERFECTLY HEALTHY BABIES).
・ Case 1 Both
the first and second children were sick, and the mother was originally weak. Urinary glucose was strongly positive (++) in the early pregnancy of the third child. She started taking organic germanium in her second month of pregnancy and gave birth to an extremely healthy boy.
・ Case 8
Before pregnancy, she had been taking Asaigermanium to improve frailty and autonomic imbalance. Severe vomiting and anemia appeared in late pregnancy, and blood pressure increased. Therefore, in addition to oral administration of organic germanium, intravenous injection of organic germanium was performed. As a result, the birth was very good.
Why are pregnant women taking organogermanium without perinatal abnormalities (premature birth, low birth weight infants, premature placental exfoliation, etc.) and all of them are at ease?
In recent years, as the number of low birth weight infants tends to increase, this problem is worth considering. Not only for maternal and neonatal health but also for the general public may have valuable suggestions.
During pregnancy, the mother’s (and fetus) needs oxygen most.
Oxygen is, of course, important to all aerobic breathing life, but after all during pregnancy, you need “two servings” of food and oxygen. We must think that the importance of oxygen is usually doubled.
Under these circumstances, what happens if the environment inside the mother’s body leans toward acidity?
Physiology teaches that under acidic conditions, erythrocytes significantly decrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. For the fetus in the womb, a single umbilical cord is literally a “lifeline,” but if oxygen is not transported to this point, it is a life crisis.
So why is the body environment acidified?
One is the spirit. Stress and anxiety lead to blood acidification (conversely, blood acidification leads to anxiety and restlessness). The phrase “a laughing person does not get sick” certainly contains the truth. It is important to be calm and positive.
Another is eating habits. At present, various toxic substances such as pesticides and additives accumulate in the body. Pregnant women who did not care about the foods before they became pregnant would pay the price for their daily irregularities. It’s not too late even after you become pregnant, so be mindful of your food. It is preferable to refrain from foods that oxidize the body (such as poor meat and fatty acids).
Thinking in this way, “organic germanium is safe for pregnant women to drink.”
Pregnant women, whose importance of oxygen has doubled, want to take the initiative in taking organic germanium. Although not mentioned in detail in my previous blog, Asaigermanium stimulates red blood cell metabolism. Get out of the old, hard red blood cells and produce new soft red blood cells (general blood collection data is neither old nor new, only looking at the number of red blood cells). Fresh red blood cells supply oxygen to each organ, eliminating various disorders.
By the way, who is Dr. Mieko Okazawa who wrote this interesting case report? The case was reported in 1977, 43 years ago. Is he a living teacher now?
It is the age of the Internet. A search revealed that Mieko Okazawa, now 98, is an active physician who is still a medical practitioner in Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama.
He also wrote a book, “Heavenly Considerations: Salivary Ion Reactions Exploring the Origins of Life-Natural Providence Is Eternal Truth”.
Dr. Okazawa joined the biochemistry lab at Toho University School of Medicine in 1944, when the atmosphere of the defeat had deepened, and was studying saliva.
Through this research, the teacher got an idea. It says, “Saliva is blood.”
When you eat, it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream, where blood is filtered through salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) to saliva.
In other words, since the state of blood is reflected in Moro in the properties of saliva (including the acidic and alkaline state), isn’t it possible to grasp the internal environment by examining saliva without having to bother collecting blood?
Based on this hypothesis, he and his colleagues finally developed a saliva redox analyzer (ORP) with Yoshitaka Otomo. He says that he has been steadily producing results using this machine clinically.
I thought it was a very interesting idea. Certainly, saliva is a treasure trove of medical information. I was surprised that there was already a method to apply this to clinical practice.
I think it should be widespread, but it will be difficult because of vested interests.
He also talked about the meeting between Dr. Okazawa and organic germanium.
Dr. Asai was acquainted with the discoverer of organic germanium, Kazuhiko Asai, and learned directly from Dr. Asai about the greatness of organic germanium and began to use it in his own clinical practice.
A doctor with a longevity is said to be a longevity, and the credibility of the word is increased by 50%. ^^ This
98-year-old doctor is still an active clinician. I think my approach (awareness of acid and alkali, utilization of organic germanium) is “real”.
Above is the English translation by Google translator. For actual article in Japanese language click here